PowerPoint BÀI week 32 peroid 123 UNIT 19: WHAT ANIMAL DO YOU WANT TO SEE? Lesson 1: 1-2 môn tiếng Anh lớp 4

Giáo án PowerPoint BÀI week 32 peroid 123 UNIT 19: WHAT ANIMAL DO YOU WANT TO SEE? Lesson 1: 1-2 môn tiếng Anh lớp 4, bài giảng điện tử môn tiếng Anh lớp 4, BÀI week 32 peroid 123 UNIT 19: WHAT ANIMAL DO YOU WANT TO SEE? Lesson 1: 1-2

Date of preparing: 27/4/2019                        Week 32-  Period 123     
Lesson 1: 1-2
1. Knowledge 
- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to ask and answer questions about someone’s desire
- Sentence patterns: What animal do you want to see? I want to see….
- Vocabulary: kangaroo, crocodile, tiger, elephant
2. Skills: speaking, listening and reading
3. Attitude: Educate Sts to love their lesson and work hard.                   
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.
- Communicative approach, work in pairs , individual, in groups, discuss.  
1. Class organization: (1’)
- Greeting:  Good morning/ Good afternoon. How are you? 
- Checking for the students’ attendence:
Class Date of teaching Absent students
4B …………………
………………… …………………………………………………
2. Warm up : (5’)
*Sing the chant I’d like to invite you to my party. 
- T shows ss words in which all the letters have got mixed up.
- T asks ss  toput the letters in the correct order to make a word.
- T asks Ss to play in two teams 
- Ss plays game
- T monitors and prides the winer.
Repate = repeat     enoyj =  enjoy      inietv = invite    comlptee = complete
3. New lesson: (30’)
Teacher’s and students’ activities Content
* Activity 1: Look, Listen and repeat. (8’)
- T asks Ss to look at the pictures 
Who are they?
Where are they?
What’s are they talking about?
- Ss answer
- T asks Ss to open their books to page 58
- Ss open their books to page 58
- T opens the cassette.
- Ss listen and point
- T opens the cassette again.
- Ss listen and read in chorus( 2 times)
- T - Ss  role play.
T-Ss, Ss- T, half- half, open pairs
- T checks Ss’s understanding about the dialogue 1. Look, Listen and repeat
* Activity 2: 2. Point and say (15’)
a. Vocabulary
- T introduce some  words by eliciting
+ kangaroos: thú có túi
+ crocodiles: cá sấu
+ tigers: con hổ
+ elephants: con voi
- T models
- Ss listen and repeat (chorally thenindividually).  
- T writes down on the board
- Ss copy.
- T: Vocabulary checking: Rub  out remember 
b. Model sentences
- T introduces structure
- Set the sence: T asks to look at their book on page 58
- Tell Ss that they are going to practice asking and answering about 
What animal do you want to see?
I want to see ……….
- T models
- Ss repeat chorally then individually.  
- T wirtes down on the board
- T checks:  form, use, intonation
c. Practice
* Picture cues (CNTT)
- T lets Ss run through the pictures
- T: How many pictures are there ?
- Ss answer 
- T: What does he/ she do?
- T models 
- Ss  repeat chorally
- T-Ss, Ss- T, half-half, open pairs, close pairs.
d. Production. 
* Lucky Number ( using the pictures on page 58)
- T explains how to play this game.
- T lets Ss play together.
- T monitors and corrects their mistakes. 2. Point and say
a. Vocabulary
+ kangaroos: thú có túi
+ crocodiles: cá sấu
+ tigers: con hổ
+ elephants: con voi
b. Model sentences
A: What animal do you want to see?
B: I want to see ……….
* Work in pair 
- Ask ss to practise further by asking and answering questions about What animal do you want to see?
Get Ps to work in group of four.
.- Ask ss to work in pairs
- Give 5 minutes to practice 
- Ask some pairs to perform in front of  the class
- T gives feedback.
4. Consolidation: (3’)
? What’s the content of the lesson?
5. Home-link: (1’)
- Do exercises in the workbook.  Learn by heart the new words and structures.
Date of preparing: 27/4/2019                        Week 32-  Period 124    
Lesson 1: 3-4-5
1. Knowledge 
- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to ask and answer questions about someone’s desire. Practice skills
- Sentence patterns: What animal do you want to see? I want to see….
- Vocabulary: kangaroo, crocodile, tiger, elephant
2. Skills: speaking, listening and reading
3. Attitude: Ps know how to say what some one would like to eat or drink
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.
- Communicative approach, work in pairs , individual, in groups, discuss.  
1. Class organization: (1’)
- Greeting:  Good morning/ Good afternoon. How are you? 
- Checking for the students’ attendence:
Class Date of teaching Absent students
4B …………………
………………… …………………………………………………
2. Warm up : (5’)
*  Conversersation lines
- Ss make two lines asking and anwering about What animal do you want to see?
 I want to see ………
3. New lesson: (30’)
Teacher’s and students’ activities Content
* Activity 1:  Listen and match: (11’)
a. Pre-listening
- T asks Ss to read the title
- Ss read
T: What does it mean? 
Ss: nghe và nối.
T : How many sentences are there?
Ss: There are three.
- T lets SS run through
- T asks Ss to tell the task
- Ask Ss to open the books on page 59
b. While-listening: 
- Ask ss to listen1st time
- Ss listen
- Ask ss to listen 2nd time
- Ss listen
- Ask ss to tell the answers
- Ask Ss to compare with their partners
- Ask ss to listen the 3rd time ( Listen and check )
1-b     2-a      3-a 
c. Post listening
* Who is faster
- T devides Ss in to 2 groups
- T explains how to play this game
- T- Ss play together
- T minitors and gives feedback 4. Listen and match.
1-c     2-a      3-b 
* Activity 2: Look and write (11’)
a.  Pre- writing
- T sets the scene 
How many words are there? (5)
How many blanks are there? (5)
What is it? ( somewhere)
- Ss answer the questions
- T asks Ss to read the words
- Ask Ss to run through
b. While- writing
- Ask ss to look the words and complete individually ( 3minus)
- Ask some ss to tell the answer 
- T-Ss check together 
- T checks Ss’s understanding      
c. Post writing
- Play the game: Musical box 5. Look and write
1. He wants to see crocodiles
2. She wants to see monkeys
3. They want to see kangaroos.
4. They want to see tigers.
* Activity 3: Let’s play. (8’)
- T shows the picture on the book
- T asks Ss the content of the picture: How many pictures? What are they? 
- Ss:  They are numbers
T: What do you do in this part? 
Ss: ………..
Show the chart of the game?       
Run through the game.
-  Ask Ss to play game Where and Why. Tell your partners about them.
- Ask them read aloud the answer the question.
- Have Ss practice the  in pairs
- Call each group, then pairs to perform
- Correct and comment. 6. Let’s play
4. Consolidation: (3’)
? What’s the content of the lesson?
5. Home-link: (1’)
- Do exercises in the workbook.  Learn by heart the new words and structures.
Date of preparing: 27/4/2019                        Week 32-  Period 125     
Lesson 2: 1-2-3
1. Knowledge 
- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to ask and answer questions about someone’s desire. 
- Sentence patterns: I like / don’t like ….. because….
- Vocabulary:  scary, fast, funny
2. Skills: speaking, listening and reading
3. Attitude: Educate Sts to love their lesson and work hard.                   
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.
- Communicative approach, work in pairs , individual, in groups, discuss.  
1. Class organization: (1’)
- Greeting:  Good morning/ Good afternoon. How are you? 
- Checking for the students’ attendence:
Class Date of teaching Absent students
4B …………………
………………… …………………………………………………
2. Warm up : (5’)
* Brainstorms
- Ask sts to think of  the quantity of weather .
- Divide the class into two teams, ask them to go to the board to write the words 
- Correct.
- T monitors and praises the winner
3. New lesson: (30’)
Teacher’s and students’ activities Content
* Activity 1: Look, listen and repeat. (8’)
- T asks Ss to look at the pictures 
What are their names? 
What are they talking about? 
What are they talking about?
- Ss answer
- T asks Ss to open their books to page 60
- Ss open their books to page 60
- T opens the cassette.
- Ss listen and point
- T opens the cassette again.
- Ss listen and read in chorus( 2 times)
- T - Ss  role play.
T-Ss, Ss- T, half- half, open pairs
- T checks Ss’s understanding about the dialogue 1. Look, listen and repeat
* Activity 2: Point and say: (14’)
a. Vocabulary  
- T introduceS some  words by eliciting
+ funny: hài hước, vui nhộn
+ scary: đáng sợ
+ fast: nhanh
+ beautiful: đẹp
- T models
- Ss listen and repeat (chorally then individually).  
- T writes down on the board.
- Ss copy.
- T: Vocabulary checking: What and Where
b. Model sentences
- T introduce stucture
- Set the sence: T asks to look at their book on page 60.
T: Someone’s opinions about a place, using  + What animal do you want to see?
+ I like …. Because….
+ I don’t like …. Because….
- T models
- Ss repeat chorally then individually.  
- T wirtes down on the board
- T checks: form, use, intonation
* Picture cues (CNTT)
- T lets Ss run through the pictures
- T: How many pictures are there ? 
- Ss  answer 
- T: What is the weather?
- Ss  answer 
- T models 
- Ss  repeat chorally
- T-Ss, Ss- T, half-half, open pairs, close pairs
d. Production 
* Lucky Number ( using the pictures on page 60)
- T explains how to play this game.
- T lets Ss play together.
- T monitors and corrects their mistakes 2. Point and say
a. Vocabulary  
+ funny: hài hước, vui nhộn
+ scary: đáng sợ
+ fast: nhanh
+ beautiful: đẹp
b. Model sentences
+ What animal do you want to see?
+ I like …. Because….
+ I don’t like …. Because….
* Activity 3: Talk.(8’)
 - Tell Ss that they are going to practise further by asking and answering questions about  What animal do you want to see?
- Get Ss to work in pairs and remind them to use the questions and answers in their books.
- Set the time limit for them to practise. Monitor the activity andoffer help ,if necessary.
- Call a few pairs practise in front of the class.
- Invite a few Ps to act out their exchange in front of class.
- T give feedback. 3.Talk
4. Consolidation: (3’)
? What’s the content of the lesson?
5. Home-link: (1’)
- Do exercises in the workbook.  Learn by heart the new words and structures.
Date of preparing: 27/4/2019                        Week 32-  Period 126    
Lesson 2: 4-5-6
1. Knowledge 
- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to listen specific information and write about reasons 
- Sentence patterns: revision
- Vocabulary: revision
2. Skills: speaking, listening and reading
3. Attitude: Educate Sts to love their lesson and work hard.                   
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.
- Communicative approach, work in pairs , individual, in groups, discuss.  
1. Class organization: (1’)
- Greeting:  Good morning/ Good afternoon. How are you? 
- Checking for the students’ attendence:
Class Date of teaching Absent students
4B …………………
………………… …………………………………………………
2. Warm up : (5’)
* Slap the board: ( using the words: monkey, elephant, lion, kangaroo)
- Divide the class into 2 teams
- Choose 5 students from each team stand in 2 lines.
- Teacher speaks the Vietnamese words ,
- Ss slap the words in English
- Let Ss play the game
- Praise the winners
3. New lesson: (30’)
Teacher’s and students’ activities Content
*Activity 1: Listen and write (11’)
a. Pre-listening
- T asks Ss to read the title
- Ss read
T: What does it mean? 
Ss: nghe và viết
T : How many sentences
Ss: 4
- T lets Ss run through
- T asks Ss to tell the task
- Ask Ss to open the books on page 61
b. While-listening: 
- Ask ss to listen1st time
- Ss listen
- Ask ss to listen2nd time
- Ss listen
- Ask ss to tell the answers
- Ask Ss to compare with their partners
- Ask ss to listen the 3rd time ( Listen and check) 
c. Post listening 
* Who is faster
- T devides Ss in to 2 groups
- T explains how to play this game
- T- Ss play together
- T minitors and gives feedback 4. Listen and write
1. big        2. fast    
3. funny    4. scary
* Activity 2: Look and write.(11’)
a.  Pre- writing
- Set the scene: How many pictures  are there?
Are they completed ?
- T asks ss to read the words
- Asks Ss to look at the Activity 5 p61 and complete
b. While- writing
- Ask pupils to do the task independently. 
- Ask pupils to swap their answers. 
- If there is enough time, invite some pairs to act out the dialogues.
- T gives feedback.
c. Post writting
* Write it up 
- T asks Ss to write about greeting each other.
- T gives Ss 2 minutes to do the task.
- Ss read your writing 
- T corrects and lets Ss to copy down on their notebook. 5. Look and write
1. zebras, they are beautiful
2. crocodiles, they are scary
3. bears, they are big
4. kangaroos, they are big
* Activity 3: Let’s sing: (8’)
- T shows the picture on the board
- T asks Ss the content of the picture: Why or why not?
- Ss answer
- T opens  the song 
- Ss listen to the song
- T reads the lyrics
- Ss repeat after the teacher
- T teaches them some new words
- T opens  the song again
- Ss repeat line by line
- Ask ss to sing along with the music
- T devides Ss into 2 groups
- Ask Ss to sing and do actions in groups
- Ss sing and do actions together.
- T calls somes  groups perform before the class.
- T listens and  giveS feedback. 6. Let’s sing
4. Consolidation: (3’)
? What’s the content of the lesson?
5. Home-link: (1’)
- Do exercises in the workbook.  Learn by heart the new words and structures.
Week  32                                                                                                     Period 123
Date of planning:30/4/2017 
Lesson 3: 4-5-6
 I. AIMS. 
By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to read specific information about Tom’s picnic and complete a short paragraph about themselves.
1. Knowledge: 
2. Skills:  speaking, listening and reading
3. Attitude: Ps can talk about a picnic 
- Work in pairs , individual, in groups ….  
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.
3. Class organization:
Class Date of teaching Absent pupils
4B 5/5/2017
3/5/2017    …………………………………………………
Teacher’s activities Pupils’ activities
I. Warm up:(10’)
PART 1: Getting to know each other
1.What is your name?
2.How old are you?
3.What is your favourite subject?
4.What do you do at Tet?
   1. M1   2. M 2   3.M3    4.MĐ4
PART 2:  Talking about a familiar object
The test taker is given a carton box in which there is a set of questions with the picture about  the topic that students have learnt. The examiner tells the test taker to pick one strip into the box and answer the following questions. (“Please open the box and take one strip.”)
5.What are they ?
6.How many people are there?
7 .What are they doing:
           5. M 1  6. M1   7. M 4  
PART 3: Picture description
Now look at the picture. You have 30 seconds.
  Suggested questions.
8. What are they?
9. Where are they? What’s there?
10.What’s your favourite animal?
8.MĐ 2    9. MĐ 3  10. MĐ 4
II. New lesson:(20’)
 4. Read and tick.(8’)
a. Pre-listening:
- T looks at the books and sets the table:
How many pictures? What’s this?
- Tell the class that they are going to read the text about Tom’s picnic with his family, decide whether the five statements are true or false and tick the correct answers.
- You may get ps to read the sentences under the text and guess which sentence is true and which one is false.
b. While-listening:
- Give them time to do the task independently. Go around and offer help, if necessary.
- Get ps to swap their answers before checking as a class.
- If time allows, ask them more questions about the text ( e.g. Where does Tom have picnics with his family? What does Tom like doing?
Key: 1 false       2 True          3 False            4 True               5 True
c. Post listening: 
- Play the game: Lucky numbers.
5. Let’s write. (8’)
a.  Pre- writing:
- Set the scence:
- Tell ps that they are going to complete a short paragraph about themselves.
- Have them work in pairs or groups to discuss what they are going to write in the gaps of the sentences. Focus them on where usually go on Sundays and what they wants to do there.
b. While- writing:
- Give ps time to do the task independently. Go around offering help, if necessary.
- Get them to swap their answers before checking as a class.
c. Post writing:
- Ask Ps to play a game: Whisper
6. Project.(4’)
- Tell ps that they are going to ask four classmates for their phone numbers, and then report the results to the class.
- Give each ps a card and ask them to copy the table from the pupil’s book on their cards.
- Give ps time to ask their classmates for their phone numbers and write them down.
- Have ps look at the table and tell the class their classmates’ phone numbers. You may ask them to assume that they are reading from a phone book. 
Look  at the pictures.
Listen to the dialogues.
Ps answer the T’s questions.
Listen and circle.
Listen and check.
Play the game.
Look at the pictures.
Listen to the teacher.
Identify the what someone is doing.
Ps complete.
Ps do the task.
Swap their answers.
Play the game.
Listen to the teacher.
Ps work in groups of three.
Ps sing.
III. Consolidation:(3’)
? What’s the content of the lesson?
T- Ps
IV. Home-link: (2’)
- Do exercises in the workbook.  Learn by heart the new words and structures.
* Comments:
Week  32                                                                                                      Period 124
Date of planning: 30/4/2017
Lesson 1: 1-2
By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to ask and answer questions about someone’s desire, using What animal do you want to see? I want to see….
1. Knowledge: 
Sentence patterns: What animal do you want to see? I want to see….
Vocabulary:kangaoroo(s), crocodile(s), tiger(s), elephant(s)
2. Skills:  speaking, listening and reading
3. Attitude: Ps can ask and answer questions about someone’s desire.
- Work in pairs , individual, in groups ….  
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.
3. Class organization:
Class Date of teaching Absent pupils
4B   5/5/2017
3/5/2017    …………………………………………………
Teacher’s activities Pupils’ activities
I. Warm up:(10’)
PART 1: Getting to know each other
1.What is your name?
2.How old are you?
3.What is your favourite subject?
4.What do you do at Tet?
   1. M1   2. M 2   3.M3    4.MĐ4
PART 2:  Talking about a familiar object
The test taker is given a carton box in which there is a set of questions with the picture about  the topic that students have learnt. The examiner tells the test taker to pick one strip into the box and answer the following questions. (“Please open the box and take one strip.”)
5.What are they ?
6.How many people are there?
7 .What are they doing:
           5. M 1  6. M1   7. M 4  
PART 3: Picture description
Now look at the picture. You have 30 seconds.
  Suggested questions.
8. What are they?
9. Where are they? What’s there?
10.What’s your favourite animal?
8.MĐ 2    9. MĐ 3  10. MĐ 4
II. New lesson:(20’)
1. Look, listen and repeat. (5’)
- T tell ps that they are going to read a story in which Mai and Nam visit the zoo.
- Have them look at the four pictures to identify the characters and the context in which the language is used. Ask them questions such as: Where are they?What are they doing?( In picture a, Mai and Nam are standing in the street and they want to go to the zoo. In picture b, Nam ask Mai What animal do you want to see? And Mai answers I want to see monkeys. In picture c, they decide to see the monkeys. In picture d, the monkey is reaching outside the bars of the cage and Nam is a little afraid) Check understanding.
- Play the recording so they can listen and repeat. Do choral and individually repetition, pointing to the characters speaking. 
- Play the recording again for Ps to listen and repeat.
- If time allow, ask ps to role- play the story in pairs.
2. Point and say.(12’)
a. Vocabulary: 
- Teach the names: kangaroo, crocodile, tiger, elephant.
- Checking: Slap the board
b. Model sentences: 
A: What animal do you want to see ? 
B: I want to see kangaroos.
- Concept  check:  intonation, using
 c. Practice:
- Tell Ps that they are going to practise asking and answering questions about what animal someone wants to see, using What animal do you want to see? I want to see…
- Have them look at the bubbles to understand how to use the language. Ask them to look at the four pictures to identify the zoo animals. - Point to the first picture and model the task with one pupil, using the expressions in the bubbles and  the word under each picture.Ask ps to say the sentences chorally and individually. Repeat the same procedure with the rest of the pictures.
- Ask them to practise in pairs, using the prompts in the bubbles and the words under the pictures.
- Select some pairs to role- play the dialogue in front of the class.
Work in pairs. Ask your partners’ what animal they want to see at the zoo.(3’)
- Tell ps that they are going to practise asking and answering questions about what animal someone wants to see.
- Ask them work in pairs: one asks the question and other givers the answer. Teach ps more words for zoo animals, if necessary
- Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary.
- Select some pairs of ps to role-play the dialogue in front of the class.   
Look and listen
Look at the pictures and answer the questions.
Listen and repeat in choral and individual.
Look, listen and repeat in choral then individual.
Listen and repeat.
T – W – C
 H – H
 O – P -> C – P 
Ps practise asking and answering.
Ps work in pairs.
Ps work in pairs.
Role play
Work in pairs to ask and asnswer.
Ps act out.
III. Consolidation:(3’)
? What’s the content of the lesson?
T- Ps
IV. Home-link: (2’)
- Do exercises in the workbook.  Learn by heart the new words and structures.
* Comments:
Week  32                                                                                                      Period 125
Date of planning: 30/4/2017
Lesson 1: 3-4-5
By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to listen and match the character to the correct picture and write what the children want to see.
1. Knowledge: 
Sentence patterns: Revision
Vocabulary: Revision
2. Skills:  speaking, listening and reading
3. Attitude: Ps can talk what the children want to see.
- Work in pairs , individual, in groups ….  
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.
3. Class organization:
Class Date of teaching Absent pupils
4B     …………………………………………………
Teacher’s activities Pupils’ activities
I. Warm up:(10’)
PART 1: Getting to know each other
1.What is your name?
2.How old are you?
3.What is your favourite subject?
4.What do you do at Tet?
   1. M1   2. M 2   3.M3    4.MĐ4
PART 2:  Talking about a familiar object
The test taker is given a carton box in which there is a set of questions with the picture about  the topic that students have learnt. The examiner tells the test taker to pick one strip into the box and answer the following questions. (“Please open the box and take one strip.”)
5.What are they ?
6.How many people are there?
7 .What are they doing:
           5. M 1  6. M1   7. M 4  
PART 3: Picture description
Now look at the picture. You have 30 seconds.
  Suggested questions.
8. What are they?
9. Where are they? What’s there?
10.What’s your favourite animal?
8.MĐ 2   9. MĐ 3 10.MĐ 4
II. New lesson:(20’)
 3. Listen and match.(8’)
a. Pre-listening:
- T looks at the books and sets the scence:
        How many pictures are there? Who’s this? What are they?
- Tell the class that they are going to listen to three dialogues about what animals Tony, Tom and Linda want to see and match each character to the correct picture.
- Ask ps to look at the pictures to identify the characters(1. Tony.2. Tom. 3. Linda)and the zoo animals(a. Crocodiles  .b. Tiger . c. Monkeys). Check understanding.
b. While-listening: 
- Play the recording more than once, if necessary. Ask ps to listen and match  the  pictures. 
- Get ps to swap their answers befor you check as a class.
Key: 1c     2a      3b
c. Post listening: 
- Play a  game: Musical box
4. Look and write.(7’)
a.  Pre- writing:
- Tell ps that they are going to write what the children want to see, using the picture cues.
- Ask them look at the four pictures to identify what the children want to see in each picture. (1. Crocodiles  2. Monkey    3. Kanaroos  4.  Tigers). Then ask them to read the questions. 
- Draw their attention to the different pronouns he, she and they in the questions. After that, have them write the answers in complete sentences. Get ps to work in pairs, if necessary. 
b. While- writing:
- Give ps time to do the task independently. 
- Get them to swap their answers before checking as a class.
Key: 1. He wants to see crocodile       2. She wants to see monkeys.
         3. They want to see kangarros    4. They want to see tigers
c. Post- reading:
- Play the game: Whisper
- Guide how to play
5. Let’s play. (5’)
- Tell ps that they are going to play the game Charades. Follow the procedure in Games in Introduction.
- Show a ps the name of a zoo animal. That ps must act out the animal for the rest of the class to guess. The quickest ps to say the name of the animal for the rest of the class to guess. The quickest ps to say the name of the animal get a point. Then select another ps to mime another animal. The ps who gets the most point at the end of the game is the winner.
- Moniter the activity and offer helf, if necessary. 
Answer T’s questions
Look at pictures and answer the questions.
Listen and do the task. Work individual
Listen again to check.
- Work in pairs.
- groups
Role play.
Look at the book.
Answer T’s questions.
Read words.
Do the task.
Compare their answers in pairs.
Play the game.
Play the game.
Ps work in groups.
Play the game in pairs.
III. Consolidation:(3’)
? What’s the content of the lesson?
T- Ps
IV. Home-link: (2’)
- Do exercises in the workbook.  Learn by heart the new words and structures.
* Comments:
Week  32                                                                                                      Period 126
Date of planning: 30/4/2017
Lesson 2: 1-2-3
By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to use the words and phrases related to the topic Zoo animals, accept reasons, using I like…. Because…./ I don’t like….. because….
1. Knowledge: 
Sentence patterns: I like…. Because…./ I don’t like….. because….
Vocabulary:scary, big, beautiful, fast
2. Skills:  speaking, listening and reading
3. Attitude: Ps can talk about zoo animals, accept reasons.
- Work in pairs , individual, in groups ….  
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.
3. Class organization:
Class Date of teaching Absent pupils
4B     …………………………………………………
Teacher’s activities Pupils’ activities
I. Warm up:(5’)
Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson by playing Charades with the words for zoo animals.
II. New lesson:(30’)
 1. Look, listen and repeat.(7’)
- Tell ps that they are going to read a conversation in which Linda and Nam ask and answer questions about zoo animals.
- Ask them look at the pictures to identify the context in which the language is used. Ask them questions such as: Who are they? ? Where are they?What are they doing?(Linda and Nam are at the zoo. They are looking at different animals. In picture a, Linda ask Nam what animal do you like?And Nam say I like monkeys. In picture b, he explains why he likes monkeys using Because they’re funny. In picture c, Nam say that he does not like tigers. In picture d, he explain why he does not like tigers, using Because they are scary.) Check understanding.
- Play the recording a few times for ps to listen and repeat. Do choral and individually repetition, pointing to the characters speaking. 
- Play the recording again for Ps to listen and repeat.
2. Point and say.(16’)
a. Vocabulary: 
- Teach the adjectives under the pictures: scary, big, beautiful and fast.
- Checking: Slap the board
b. Model sentences: 
 I like zebras because they are beautiful.
I don’t like tighers because they’re scary.
- Concept  check:  intonation, using
 c. Practice:
- Tell ps that they are going to practise expressing reasons why they like/ do not like some animals, using I like/ don’t like… because….
- Have them look at the bubbles to identify the language used to express reasons. - Point to the first picture and model the task with a pupil, using the sentences in the bubbles and the words under the first picture. Do choral and individual repetition and then practise in pairs. Repeat the same procedure with the rest of the pictures. 
- Ask them practise in pairs to express resasons why they like or do not like the animals, using the prompts in the bubbles and the words under the pictures.
- Select some ps to role- play the dialogue in front of the class. Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary.
3. Let’s talk.(7’)
- Tell Ps that they are going to revise what they have learnt in L1 and 2. using facts about themselves.
- Model the task with one pupil
- Put the sentences on the board and do choral and individual repetition.
- Ask them to work in pairs: one ps asks the questions and the other gives the answers. 
- Call a few pairs to act out their dialogue in front of the class.   
Look and listen
Look at the pictures and answer the questions.
Listen and repeat in choral and individual.
Look, listen and repeat in choral then individual.
Listen and repeat.
T – W – C
 H – H
 O – P -> C – P 
Ps practise asking and answering.
Ps work in pairs.
Ps work in pairs.
Role play
Work in pairs to ask and asnswer.
Ps act out.
III. Consolidation:(3’)
? What’s the content of the lesson?
T- Ps
IV. Home-link: (2’)
- Do exercises in the workbook.  Learn by heart the new words and structures.
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